Bear Necessities for Bulgaria
Supporting social and educational projects in Orizari, Bulgaria

Soup Kitchen
The very first soup kitchen in the village of Orizari was on 9th October 2013 and now runs from October to March every year, a minimum of three nights a week. We serve around 70-80 people on these nights and the mayor and the minister of the village work together to ensure those most in need are served.

Peter, the village pastor, told us that he really wanted a project to bring some of the young men in the village together, to encourage them to socialise in a positive way, to engage in fun and healthy activities. He proposed a gym, and had already secured support from the mayor and a local cafe owner, so in January 2013 we delivered the first pieces of equipment. The lads were soon painting and preparing the new room for use and it's been really popular so far, not only with the young lads but also with the ladies who have made Tuesday mornings their own slot to keep their fitness up!

Knit and Natter
We have found that there are very few opportunities for the ladies to socialise, although there are many elderly and widows who can feel quite isolated. With the support of our Sliven based ladies, who were our first group, we have started a second group in Orizari. We are providing the materials, needles, wool, refreshments, and the ladies are providing the skills and the banter. The ladies can share tips and techniques and are already teaching some of those who have never knitted before. Their goods are shared between any who are in need, and they have told us how blessed they feel in doing this.

The Health Clinic
In September 2017 we visited the village and had a meeting with everyone and asked them where there greatest need is now that we have the soup kitchen well established. They told us they had desperate need of access to health care. We could see no way to support something so huge- and yet in 2018 we have established a fortnightly outreach clinic in the village, with plans to expand the project to include health workshops, hygiene facilities and more, so watch this space!


Highland Male Voice Gospel Choir

Bear Necessities for Bulgaria has always prioritised supporting the children to stay in education as long as possible- the drop out rate after grade four (10 years old approx.) is startlingly high. We provide warm winter boots and tracksuits as we have been told that a lack of suitable footwear and clothing is often to blame for the children staying away. We have support a local school with educational, arts and sports equipment and we run a homework club after school with warm milk and cookies and an adult on hand to give encouragement.